10 Quotes & Sayings By Chris Stapleton

[as told to] Chris Stapleton was raised in Tennessee by a father who filled his head with the songs of Hank Williams. He is a native of Appalachia whose social consciousness is informed both by his history and by a strong faith in God. In 2016, he released Traveller, which debuted at number one on the Billboard Country Albums chart and went on to sell more than three million copies. In 2017, he won the Grammy Award for Best Country Solo Performance for his single "Broken Halos."

I think the path is different for everybody. Go after the doors that are open to you. That has always been my motto getting into the music business. Do the things that seem to be good opportunities and work hard at it. Try to make good decisions and be nice. Hopefully all of that will pay off at some point. Chris Stapleton
Among my dad's generation, when you gave another man a pocketknife as a gift, it was a show of respect. I'll still give someone the knife out of my pocket. Chris Stapleton
I don't feel like songs should be hoarded. I don't feel like one's tainted if somebody else does it. That's the mark of artistry - take a song that's maybe even a really popular song and do it your own way. I think that's cool. Chris Stapleton
When you're writing with an artist or for an artist, you have to help them serve their vision. That's the cool part about writing songs. There are no rules. Chris Stapleton
It's man's work. My dad was gone at 4:30 in the morning and home at 8 at night, and he worked underground, and the last mine he worked in was 26 inches high in a lot of places. He liked the engineering of it - he liked the moving the earth and being able to extract something and put it back for reclamation. He enjoyed the whole process. Chris Stapleton
Anytime that another artist or a critic that is well-respected says something nice about you, you're always thankful and hope that you can live up to that. Chris Stapleton
I always tell people, 'The music's free. I get paid to travel.' Chris Stapleton
It's such a strange marriage, a song and someone that sings it. When that works, it really works, and when it doesn't, it doesn't. Chris Stapleton
Whether you like modern incarnations of what country radio hits are, or you like what I'm doing, or you like something really off in folk, poetry Americana land, it's all just music, man. If you like one of them, great - go buy it. Chris Stapleton